Curiosity Hacked Summer Camps 2016
CH Summer Camps are unique and extraordinary, maintaining the same level of learner centered mentorship and possibilities as our year-long programs. We keep the ratio small and the ideas big, presenting concepts and skills in a way that offers children the freedom to self-determine and make choices that stay true to their own vision. We also have expansive age ranges to intentionally encourage mixed age learning. We set the minimum age in anticipation of motor skills and understanding, and create more complex challenges and leadership opportunities for the older kids. If you feel your child is ready for a particular camp, or have questions regarding one of our camps, please contact us. We hope your child will join us!Feedback from some of last summer’s campers:
“I especially like that this wasn’t a camp that you HAD to do something. We could design and build whatever we wanted and I knew the mentors would help me figure it out.”
“Hackwarts was really fun. The projects were awesome. I especially loved my wand, it made my spells magical.”
“I am coming back every year. And during the year. As much as I can.”
“My mentor showed me that my strengths and my challenges were all superpowers, and how I could use them to do anything.”

Curiosity Hacked Educator Workshop
June 13th - 15th or June 16th - June 19th 10am-3pm
Curiosity Hacked Educator Summer Camp is a 3 day immersion in learner centered education. Presentations and discussions will be led by CH, as well as by guest speakers on the topics of creating a more learner centered environment. Integrating making and hacking with a variety of tools, technology, and materials to create a more interdisciplinary day will be covered in theory as well as hands on practice. Tools such as the soldering iron, 3D printer, laser cutter, E-textiles, printmaking and more will be explored and mentored, resulting in personal projects they can use to inspire their own innovation and creativity as well as that of their students. More about Educator Workshops
$225 or $275 including a catered lunch (local, organic, can accommodate dietary preferences)

Art Hack
June 20th - June 24th 9am-3pm
Kids (ages 7+) will learn about history and context of art while utilizing and integrating technology and electronics to modify or enhance their own art projects. E-textiles, animation, video, lighted sculpture, art in motion, and more will be explored in the creation of personal vision!
$375 / After Care 3-5pm $100

June 27th - July 1st 9am-3pm
Join us for a week immersed in our very own Hacker School of Magic!! Wand making, potions, magical creatures, herbology, charms, quidditch and more- all from the magical maker perspective! Gain new skills in making, electronics, science, design and more. Find your hacker patronus! (ages 7 and up)
$395 / After Care 3-5pm $100

2D to 3D Skill Building Hack
July 5th - July 8th (4 days) 9am-3pm
In this camp, young hackers will become proficient in Inkscape and CAD as well as the elements of design, and then be able to accurately produce a 3D design that uses 2d parts, either on the laser cutter, 3D printer or another machine. This week is about how to make cool 3d stuff using 2d parts. Kids will learn about making designs, choosing materials, joining parts (where your work first becomes 3D!) and fabrication. All kids will leave with a variety of projects and a badge! (ages 7 and up)
$350 / After Care 3-5pm $80

Hackerling Circuit Hack
July 11th - July 15th 9am-3pm
Kids will complete an entire Arduino-based Hackerling Circuit, learning and expanding their skills in soldering, electronic components, and programming. They will also learn how to modify their HC’s to perform a variety of functions and earn our special Hackerling Circuit Badge. A great foundation project! (ages 8 and up)
$395 / After Care 3-5pm $100
July 18th - July 22nd 9am-3pm
The Curiosity Hacked Independent Learning Lab is an awesome program we run during the school year, promoting self- determination and direction for Middle School/early high school-age kids. Join us for a week of learning all the tools and machines in the space and how to connect them to personal interest. Making and Hacking is a great catalyst to knowing ourselves and our community! We will also spend time on how we document our work, as well as thoughtful and effective ways of advocating for ourselves. This is a great camp to empower tweens and teens (ages 11+) as they move into adolescence and the social complexity of middle school and high school.
$375 / After Care 3-5pm $100

Sparks Camp
July 25th - July 29th 9am-3pm
Kids (ages 5-7ish/entering K-2) will build their STEAM-centered making and hacking skills in electronics, woodworking, printmaking, and more using a variety of tools and machines. Kids will also learn how to integrate these skills to direct their own projects. There will be lots of movement and time for play, as well as inspiration for ideas during free building times. This is a great introduction to using the entire hackerspace and exposure to the possibilities for our young tinkerers.
$375 / After Care 3-5pm $100
Elemental August Camps
Earth, Fire, Air, Water. Four elements living in harmony. Join us for a month of element bending inspiration as we use low tech and high tech projects and STEAM explorations to discover the power of each element and how we can use them to be of service to the earth. Each week we will also be collaborating on activities that introduce and encourage thoughtful dialogue on the core values that support making, hacking, and empowerment. Sign up for one, or the whole series! (ages 8ish and up) Note: This is an excellent camp for Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra fans, though not specific to those series!
$1350 (Save $150) / After Care 3-5pm $400
$1350 (Save $150) / After Care 3-5pm $400

August 1st - August 5th 9am-3pm
Air is the element of freedom. The key to working with air is understanding it’s power and finding the path of least resistance. Join us for a week of exploring the ways we can use air, from aeronautics to wind power, launchers to meteorology, airbrushing and more! We will also be focusing on core values of self determination, resourcefulness, and compassion.
Register: $375 / After Care 3-5pm $100

August 8th - August 12th 9am-3pm
Water is the element of change, working with the flow of energy. Join us for a week of harnessing and using the power of water through an exploration of hydraulics, selenography (the study of the moon), buoyancy, manipulating the states of matter, calligraphy, watercolor and more! We will also be focusing on core values of flexibility, initiative, resilience.
$375 / After Care 3-5pm $100

August 15th - August 19th 9am-3pm
Earth is the element of substance. Strength and Foundation are the key to working with earth, and the related metals. Join us as we hack and bend earth/metal through projects involving clay, metalworking, glass, geology, engineering, sculpture and tectonics. We will also be focusing on core values of community, persistence, and design thinking.
$375 / After Care 3-5pm $100

August 22nd - August 26th 9am-3pmFire is the element of power. Understanding how to channel and control its energy is the key to working with fire. Join us as we explore this incredible element through fire safety, solar energy, volcanology, electricity, propulsion, helio astronomy and more! We will also be focusing on the core values of industry, identity, determination and creativity.
$375 / After Care 3-5pm $100
- Payment due at time of registration. Charter School Funds are not applicable for summer camps.
- Full refund available until 30 days before registered camp start date. 50% refund will be given 14-30 days before camp start date. No refunds given for cancellations 14 days or less before camp begins. Transfers into another camp are free of charge pending availability and must be made at least 2 weeks before camp start date.
- Morning Drop-off is flexible, between 9-9:45am
- After Care is pre-paid for the week. You may sign up for individual days during the week of camp if space available.