October National News

Happy Autumn!

We have lots of news to share with you this month!

 We signed a lease and got the keys for our headquarters here in Oakland, CA. This space is essential to us. It not only allows us to expand the kinds of programs we offer locally, but it will expand the amount of open source material and programming we offer to our global community. We have been running a Kickstarter campaign to help us fund equipment for the new space as well as materials to develop more badges faster, and there is still time to help! Please consider donating and/or sharing this with your community. All of our programs are offered free or low cost and we need your help to keep it that way!

We made a final decision regarding the BSA situation. You can read more about it here, but the short version is we have decided not to pursue litigation. This has already taken precious time and energy, which we would rather be spending on our mission and the kids we serve.


We will have an Open Lab on 10/6 from 2-5pm at Ace Monster Toys, where we will be participating in the Imagination Foundation's Global Cardboard Challenge. We will also have a few other activities running.

Hacker Scouts will have a booth and run an activity at the East Bay Mini Maker Faire on Sunday, October 20th. ED Samantha Cook will also be giving a presentation. This is an amazing Mini Maker Faire, one of the biggest! Very family friendly and a wonderful example of the genius coming out of the Bay Area! 

We will be running a Halloween Costume Hack on Sunday, October 27th from 2-5pm at the new space: 6036 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland. 

Starting in November, we will begin holding Open Labs once a month at the Lawrence Hall of Science! We are very excited about this collaboration, and will post more information soon!


National News:

Guild 005 has opened a new kids hackerspace as well in Las Vegas NM! It is New Mexico's first and only hackerspace designed for kids and we are so proud of their accomplishment!

All the Orange County (CA) Guild and Sparks programs are hosting a community Cardboard Challenge on Sunday, October 6th in Huntington Beach. More information here!

The popular Seattle Open Labs are expanding to include a weekly Guild! Contact Guild 004 for more information!

More programs are opening all the time! We have had a lot of interest particularly in New York, Boston, and the Raleigh/Durham area. We will be adding all new locations to the map this month!

The first units of our Sparks program (ages 4-7) will be loaded on our website this month as well. For more information or to form a group, email us!

Thank for all the support as we make some big changes and move forward!

The Hacker Scouts Team