Scout Sundays: Simon in Oakland

One of the great things that came out of our HackTogether 2013 was the connection the kids made to each other as a larger community. When we asked for other ideas on how we could continue to celebrate this, the kids came up with a new idea: they would like us to feature one of our Hacker Scouts from around the world each week. That way, we can show how both common and diverse interests make our community and program innovative and unique! We thought that was a great idea!

First up: Oakland!



Simon, age 8



What kinds of things do you like to make?

Stuff. I like to make wooden boxes and I liked building the Hackerling Circuit at Guild. It was fun.


What is your favorite project you have done?

I liked the Hello World computer project where I made it say the things I wanted.


What are you excited about learning in the future?

I really want to learn how to teleport. And how to make pickles.


Which badges are your favorites/are you most excited about?



What do you enjoy about Guild or Open Lab?

I like building stuff and sometimes seeing what other people make. I like making friends and watching my dad [a mentor] light things on fire.



If you could make anything-what is your dream project?

I would make a watch which you could use to teleport to places.


What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?



Favorite video game?


Follow-up question to the last one: Favorite Mod and Block?

Ore Spawn is my favorite Mod, and I really like finding and using Gold Block.